How to Bulk up FAST (5 Keys to Boost Growth)


How to Bulk up FAST (5 Keys to Boost Growth)

For daily hacks on the human body subscribe to our blog to be notified of our newest posts. How to Bulk up FAST (5 Keys to Boost Growth) But with the right blend of diet and training, you can experience more visible and faster results. Unfortunately for some guys they just can't seem to bulk up the right way without getting fat at the same time. 

And when they don't see remarkable results they just stay skinny or scrawny for the rest of their lives. Let's run you through the five keys to quickly and naturally building your muscles. 

How to Bulk up FAST (5 Keys to Boost Growth)

Number 1: keep those carbs up.

Most men if not all are too focused on eating as much protein as they can that they neglect their carb consumption. Sure protein is important for bulking up but so are carbohydrates. If your body takes in lots of carbs the amount of glycogen in your muscle cells also boosts up. As a result, you will have more energy to exhaust in the gym simply put you can lift more weights and do more reps. Some of the good sources of carbohydrates are rice pasta oats potatoes and bread. Try to eat large portions of these into your meals so you can bulk up faster.

Number 2: sticks with old school workouts.

These days, doing supersets or circuits where you have very little time to rest in between sets is widely used. Workouts like these are good for improving your general health and losing weight. However, if your goal is to bulk up. You need to use a different approach contrary to some beliefs old-school workouts are still at their prime. Specifically for bulking up it's very important to perform every set of a single exercise before proceeding to the next. That's basically how old-school workouts pan out. Also with traditional workouts and training make sure to have 1 to 3 minutes of rest in between sets to give your body some time to recover before going again.

 Number 3: increase your protein consumption

As I have mentioned before protein is essential for bulking up. That's because it provides your body amino acids which are integral for building and repairing muscle. As such you should consume good quality protein with every meal and snack. Doing so will boost the amino acid levels in your body which in turn optimizes muscle growth. Healthy protein Laden food like chicken legumes meats eggs and low-fat dairy products are great choices. Snack foods like nods yogurt protein bars quinoa and hummus with whole-grain crackers are also rich in protein. 

Number 4:  Five to six smaller meals.

 try to eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day this way your body receives a stable supply of amino acids and fuel to build and repair your muscles. You may also want to have some protein shake 30 to 60 minutes after your training. Protein shakes help promote muscle growth by boosting the production of anabolic hormones. 

Number 5: makes eating your job

One common way to bulk up fast is to eat and lift consistently. Relying on just small snacks as alternatives to proper meals is no good as much as possible make eating a mission. Every morning think about your schedule for the rest of the day and make time to fit in three huge meals. This way you won't be able to use them on too busy or I forget to eat excuses. If you liked the post give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends for more interesting facts on the human body subscribe to the blog.

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