7 Simple Steps To Get In Shape!!

7 Simple Steps To Get In Shape!!

seven simple steps to get in shape fast!!! if you plan to lose a couple of extra pounds and improve your overall health the first thing you should pay attention to is your metabolism if it's slow no diet will give you the desired result here are seven simple steps that will help you boost your metabolism and lose weight naturally. try to make them a habit and the result won't disappoint you.

Seven simple steps to get in shape fast!!!

  1. drink more water
  2. go organic and set realistic goals
  3.  get up early 
  4. consume metabolism friendly foods
  5. increase physical activity
  6. a healthy diet 
  7. say no to stress

Step 1: Drink more water 

if you don't drink enough water your body burns fewer calories and your liver works harder to restore the water balance to speed up your metabolism drink more water and green tea, by the way, did you know our body often mistakes hunger for thirst when we've dehydrated our body receives the same signals as for when we haven't had enough to eat so if you're trying to lose weight it's important to keep track of your liquid intake when you feel hungry drink a glass of water first and wait a few minutes to avoid eating more than you need to.

 Step 2: Go organic and set realistic goals

 choose your food products wisely say no to GMO foods produced with the use of antibiotics and growth hormones they only slow down your metabolism also you should set long and short-term goals which you can reach within a short time take your moment to reward yourself for every success this will help you keep a positive attitude toward meeting your ultimate goal

Step 3: Get up early

step3 get up early sunlight affects your metabolism and energy consumption early rising will help your body regulate biological processes that directly depend on the day/night cycle also at the age of 30 some people experience occasional sleep problems if you've already turned to sleep pills for help try to give them up as soon as possible because they're often addictive it's better to look for natural alternatives getting a good night's sleep is very important for your health so try to do the following do some simple exercises in the evening don't eat heavy food take a warm shower and read something before going to bed.

 Step 4: Consume metabolism friendly foods 

you should include dairy products in your diet plan they provide calcium to burn fat and build muscle mass maintain a normal level of iron for better oxygen transport and use iodized salt to help support your thyroid gland people usually think that healthy food is boring and tasteless but the secret is to learn how to spice it up and vary it just learn to cook try new foods and build healthy meals around the foods you like more.

Step 5: Increase physical activity

 as you get older you should start working on your body a sedentary lifestyle is one of your worst enemies and any kind of physical activity speeds up your metabolism your muscles always need energy so join the gym walk more or just dance all these will increase your metabolic rate and help you lose weight naturally at 6:00 adopt.

Step 6 : Eat a healthy diet

 a healthy diet eat every three to four hours and never skip a meal if you reduce food intake dramatically in defense your body will start storing the food you're eating remember the famous saying eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a popper never skip breakfast as it gives you more energy than you think studies show that people who skip breakfast have a higher risk of obesity therefore it is important that you have a nutritious breakfast and take your time to enjoy it having a light dinner will help you sleep like a baby and speed up your metabolism go with healthy snacks unhealthy and frequent snacks stall fat loss try to replace your favorite junk food with healthier options and remember it's best to eat often but in small portions here's a good way to trick your brain and avoid overeating eat on small plates the same amount of food will look bigger and you'll feel like you're eating more cut carbs and eat slowly cut carbs but don't give them up you should know that carbs decrease brain activity also eating in a hurry is not healthy you breathe can't process the signals of stay shitty and the result you eat a lot more than you need to to feel full eating too quickly raises blood sugar which triggers a dramatic decline in your metabolic rate.

 Step 7: Say no to stress

 we know that eagerness to eat generates a lot of stress to the point where food is all you think about this is counterproductive for your body since stress generates cortisol a hormone that complicates your weight loss in other words if you often feel stressed and never let your body relax your metabolism slows down to learn to resist stress and find your own healthy way to release pressure take your time.

 to relax your mind create a book and try to do things you really like when you are frustrated and feel like giving up think about the positive things and the goals you've already achieved no matter how small they are writing down your major goal every day to remind you how much you want it this will keep you focused and motivated don't beat yourself up over a little moment of weakness it is normal and it can happen to anyone even if we don't want to admit it you still know what happens our bodies go through serious changes and it doesn't work as it did.10 years ago you sure can feel the change it may be difficult to accept but don't feel sad about those natural changes.

 How your metabolism works at a certain age?

 we're going to tell you how your metabolism works at a certain age so you'll be able to keep enjoying every stage of your life your metabolism at 20 it's truly one of the best periods of life for your body although it depends on your genes metabolism is generally very fast at 20 you can eat a lot and your body doesn't even notice it also you have enough muscle mass for your body's energy demand, in other words, you just never get tired, however.

 as you get closer to 30 your metabolic rate decreases slowly but steadily your metabolism at 30 body systems and their processes begin to work much slower digestion the urge to go to the bathroom and weight loss also it's proven that your body stops growing you start losing more muscle mass, therefore, you have to work harder in the gym your metabolism.

 at 40 when you hit 40 you'll notice how the speed of your metabolism decreases remarkably you lose a great amount of muscle mass especially around 45 for women the decline of estrogen and progesterone levels directly affect the reproductive system and menstrual cycle your metabolism at 50 muscle mass is gradually replaced with fat your body will require considerably fewer calories than it used to also a woman's menstrual period stops by this time which can trigger a noticeable weight gain.

 so how do you control your weight and manage to stay in shape do you know any tricks that can be useful for us and other viewers share them in the comments don't forget to share this article and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life. 

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