Motivation Tips To Workout For Women

 Motivation Tips To Workout For Women

Where is your focus right now? When you think about all of the energy all of the effort physically that you're putting into things going to the gym running on the treadmill. Doing the stair climber but also mentally emotionally where is most of your effort going and is it going into the right things. Are you working in the area that is gonna give you the most reward for the least amount of effort because there's a whole group of you that are focusing on the things that require the most amount of effort and the least amount of results? But is it really giving you the most amount of reward is it really giving you the most reward to focus on which gym outfit.

 You should wear instead of just focusing on doing 5,000 steps a day doing 10,000 steps a day and just being consistent every single day of the week. Are you showing up every single day every week three times a week even are you showing up I know you show up in the place and the way that's gonna give you the most results? That's where your focus and energy needs to be. Because you don't have a lot of it your time your money your resources. They are limited things you might just have three months to the big event. They are getting ready for maybe there's some reason.

 Why you're trying to lose weight? Whatever that thing might be but where is your energy going and what kind of results are giving you. You can be sore or you can be sorry now. What I mean here is you know when you've been to the gym and the next day your muscles are sore you're tired you're aching all over. I'd rather be sore then be sorry that I missed the gym and I've been there so many times where I just thought you know it's gonna take me an hour to do my workout.

Half an hour to get there maybe I shouldn't do it but what if I just went and did half an hour you don't always have to do a hundred percent because listen and listen real close one is better than zero. Doing ten minutes is better than no minutes and it might be ten minutes at speed one. But you still did something continues. You still got some momentum you still got some endorphins released through the exercise that you did.

So the point here is instead of focusing on the tactics where you're taught to focus on the gym equipment or the things you wear or which gym you go to what package you buy or what protein shake and what time you drink? It you don't want to focus on tactics you want to focus on culture and culture means shifting the identity of who you are who are you this is what it's really about who are you right now and who do you want to be right now who do you want to be tomorrow do you want to be today in. 

This moment in this space between you and me because you can be someone who saw or you can be somebody sorry but you can also be someone who is the kind of person. That never misses a workout who is the kind of person that doesn't eat chocolate or doesn't eat unhealthy foods and this is the thing that. I want you to understand is instead of focusing on just on the tactics that behavior which is a very low level of focus a low impact focus changed the person.

You imagine if you walk around right now and you are Jessica Ennis or you are Serena Williams or Venus Williams or whoever is the athlete that you'd just think about what it's like to be Venus Williams and if you were training with her every single day would she accept missing a workout, no no she wouldn't she would make sure she shows up she's got her tennis racquet. 

I'm gonna do ten shots today and then gonna get to work I'm gonna do ten minutes today it's work I'm gonna do whatever it is that I can do within the time. the resources that I have and then I'm gonna get going and do you see the difference the identity change who are you you're just not on the course you're.

 Supposed to be now the great thing about ships is they're built to go out at sea they're not built to stay in the harbor. It's the same thing with you and that's a reason why this quote really resonated with me and I hope it resonates with you is because you are that ship you're the captain of it. But you're not supposed to be in Harbor you're not supposed to just sail around safe oceans you're meant to go out there and get it. Done to experience stormy waters.

Where your workout is terrible and you don't have to always have the perfect rep. You don't always have to have the perfect workout or the perfect clothes or to feel the right way the question that really drives this home for me is how long is this gonna continue cash how long is this inertia is gonna continue how long you're going to be happy being where you are doing the things you're doing and getting the results that you're getting how long are you gonna stay happy content okay with the place you're at right now.

 Because at some point it's the pain of staying the same or the effort required versus the pain of change the effort of change which one is worth more to you because yes it's gonna take energy effort the change. But there's also a pain a regret that is permanent by staying where you are by focusing on the easy things that are plain sailing continuing on the direction that you're heading in and moving in a different direction becoming a different person thinking in a different way. 

Well, that takes totally different energy entirely. So how long is this gonna continue how long are you gonna be okay with seeing another mist workout stepping on the scales and seeing it hasn't moved again. It's gone higher and lower whatever it might be but how long is this gonna continue. 

A final point the most important point is you are loved no matter what if you're doing this for confidence. If you're doing this to feel better about yourself yes I'm never gonna sit here and tell you what you should or shouldn't feel. 

But what I want you to understand is you're loved exactly where you are right now and yes we want to move forward. yes we want to get results yes we want to be healthier we want to lose weight so that we have less visceral fat around our organs. But also the vanity things of looking good in a bikini or whatever it might be or in my swimming trunks but you're loved exactly as you are. 

I think society teaches women, in particular, you in particular because this article is made for you that you have to look a certain way in order to be beautiful. You have to fit a certain model or standard and one of the things that we do at revolution hive is we run workshops on these things where we go in and teach young girls how do you believe you should look how do you think you should because this is what the media says access to you is what society enforces unto you but ultimately you should decide. 

No man including me should decide no institution no organization no media outlet should decide you are the one that should decide and confidence for me is really about being comfortable in my own skin being comfortable in where I'm at and if that means I'm 16 percent body fat 67 kilos and I have a bald patch on my head or I have a hole in my beard that's okay that's really okay we can work on those things.

 We can get some you know caffeine shampoo but in all seriousness understanding that you are loved and it's not the result that is going to give you the self-esteem you want it's the change in thinking it's the change in mindset it's ignoring the naysayers and the doubters and the external things that tell you you need certain types of validation over your own you know that already.

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