10 Tips To Lose Weight Without any Exercise

10 Tips To Lose Weight Without any Exercise

I am RAJ & welcome to my channel. Do you want to know how can you lose weight without exercising? Because for most of us, exercising is a boring task. As we need to take some time out from our routined life for exercising, so people especially working ladies, students and mommies find it extremely difficult to spend some minutes on exercising. So, in today's post, I'll be sharing with u all 10tips to lose weight by introducing few healthy changes in your lifestyle, without exercising. But before that, subscribe to my blog to get a notification for my new posts. Now, let's get started.

10 Tips To Lose Weight Without any Exercise

  1. Introduce fruits in your life
  2.  WALK 
  3.  Drink enough water every day
  4. Reduce your food portion size
  5. Introduce soups in your diet.
  6. Stop to consume alcohol
  7. Keep yourself active
  8. Take care of your sleep
  9. "TEA TIME" 
  10. Snacks
10 Tips To Lose Weight Without any Exercise
 Tip 1: to lose weight without exercising is to Introduce fruits in your life. Either you feel like consuming fruits or not, do take 2-3servings of fruits per day as fruits r a very healthy option when one is trying to lose weight. For losing weight, most effective fruits are Citrusy fruits as these are full of vitamin C and other beneficial minerals. Secondly, fruits are also one of the best options to be taken as desserts. Fruits are also good snacking options.

Tip 2: WALK I won't say to go for just 10-15mins walk daily, instead, whenever and wherever you step outside your home for any chore (shopping, school, college, office, etc) prefer walking as much as possible for you. If you travel by car, park your car, 2-3miles away & walk to your destination.

Tip 3: Drink enough water every day. Drink 8-10glasses of water per day as drinking water helps u to release toxins out of our body, makes ur skin hydrated and fresh, you feel full for long as sometimes when u feel hungry, these are not ur hunger pangs but its a sign that our body is dehydrated so make sure to drink water to keep your body hydrated.

Tip 4: Reduce your food portion size For example, if u eat 2 rice plates, reduce it to 1plate, if you eat one (roti) bread, reduce it to half roti. In short, u can eat anything and everything "HEALTHY" and "CLEAN" (excluding processed, fried, and sugary items). The only thing you need to do is, simply restrict the portion to half of whatever you eat on regular days. Another point is, go for smaller and color full plates instead of large dinner plates.

Tip 5: Introduce soups in your diet. Honestly speaking, some people detest soups, but soups are very healthy so make it a part of your diet. Try to replace one of your meals either lunch or dinner with soup and salad like you may take soup and salad as ur lunch instead of going for something heavy and full of a large number of calories. You may also replace your regular dinner with soups and salad as after dinner many of us sleep so soups & salads are not only filling but will keep you light and also help you to lose weight easily. And if u don't drink water, soups fulfill your water deficiency as well.

Tip 6: Another tip is if u consume alcohol, stop it as alcohol has nothing beneficial but full of empty calories which would increase your weight for nothing. Regular Alcohol consumption also causes numerous health and skin issues like puffy eyes, swelling on face, excess body fat, drowsiness, etc. So, better to stop consuming alcohol.

Tip 7:The next tip is to keep yourself active. Like if you are performing some chore while standing, try to do it by moving around instead of standing at one place e.g, if u r cooking dinner, instead of moving to and fro ur kitchen and your sitting lounge, try to perform other pending tasks of washing dishes, mopping the floor, organizing kitchen cupboards, etc. So keep yourself active in some productive activity/house chore.

Tip 8:Take care of your sleep. Always try to be on the bed on time as waking till late hours would make you bored and crave food hence making us munch on unhealthy food options. So, try to sleep on time and wake up early as waking up early would have tremendous positive impacts on your body and yes there won't be any late-night cravings resulting in munching on unhealthy food options resulting in surpassing your allowed calories intake.

 Tip 9: We people are so used to our evening "TEA TIME" accompanied by some snacks (mostly unhealthy and confectionery items). which does nothing but increase our weight. I suggest is you can take milk tea but do not use white sugar to sweeten it instead of go for sweeteners like stevia, pure honey, or pure cane sugar.

Tip 10: For snacks, do not use bakery items, instead go for nuts, dry fruits, roasted peas, etc. The last tip is to make your "grocery shopping list" in advance before going shopping so that you won't spend on unhealthy options and only visit aisles having healthy food choices which u already have written in your grocery shopping list.

 So, these are some changes which you should introduce in your lifestyle if u want to lose weight without exercising. That is it for today. See you seen until then goodbye my friends. 

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