Mamaearth Face wash for Oily Skin

Mamaearth Face wash for Oily Skin

 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. In this POST I'm going to be sharing with you my experience of using two of momma Earth's face washes. Mama earth is a brand that is free from sulfates parabens and mostly uses natural ingredients.

 In their products so if that is something you're looking for in your skincare then make sure you wash the whole of this POST. The first face wash that I have from Mama earth is the tea tree face wash. This one has tea tree oil and neem and is great for somebody who has acne-prone skin or even sensitive skin. The second face wash that I have from them is their Upton face wash and this has turmeric and Safran and is great for tan removal.

Tea Tree Face Wash

 Now my skin is a combination of oily and dry and it's very very sensitive and I found that when I was losing the tea tree face wash it kind of helped to calm down my skin a little bit and the tree oil by Nature has anti-inflammation and antibacterial properties because of which it helps control breakouts.

A battle tea tree oil is face wash also has neem leaf extracts and neem as we all know is known for its purifying properties. Whenever your skin has been through a lot like it's getting red or it's getting dry or it's just breaking out a lot of our grandmothers would ask us to do a neem bath or apply a named lip on our skin. So this face wash also has that ingredient and neem actually has other properties as well so.
Mamaearth Face wash for Oily Skin


 It helps with anti-aging and it's basically a really nice ingredient to include in your skincare and it also has lavender oil. Which is known for its calming properties and together all of these ingredients really help your skin to kind of calm down and break out much less so?

 So these are all the key natural ingredients that are there in the tea tree face wash in terms of fragrance the minute you open the tube and start using the face wash you get that really nice fresh fragrance of tea tree oil and you Sun that may not be very pleasing fragrance but for me, the fragrance is absolutely on point. Because it just brings to light the fact that there are so many natural ingredients in this face wash.

Obtain Face Wash

 The next face wash that I have is their obtain face wash. Now I find that my skin tans very very easily when I'm traveling and especially in the summer months my skin gets stand a lot. So this face wash has turmeric is one of its key ingredients and turmeric is known for its antibacterial and its lightening properties it's a great way to naturally get rid of tan and also ensure that you know skin doesn't get that redness.

 Which you get with the summer Sun it also has saffron extract and saffron as an ingredient is excellent for skin because it doesn't let your skin up your dull in fact it helps in eliminating that and brighten skin very naturally. This face wash also has licorice extract and licorice is known to be a boon for anybody.

Who had sensitive skin this is also a natural ingredient that helps treat this coloration of pigmentation of the skin. You see a few dark patches on your skin which could actually just be tan this face wash helps to get rid of them because of his licorice ingredient as well another ingredient in this obtain face wash is patchouli oil is unknown to help get rid of dry skin. So if you have a skin which is kind of feeling a little bit rough then that oil kind of help to eliminate.

That texture of this face wash is a little bit grainy because it's actually got walnut beads which help in exfoliating so this is a great gentle enough a daily exfoliating face wash and especially for summer. Or if you travel too much this thing can be a real boon it doesn't dry out the skin sometimes a face scrubs kind of tend to do that. Sometimes face washes which have beads and then also do that but this doesn't dry out the skin.

mamaearth facewash for oily skin


The good thing is that all of these are natural ingredients. So it's kind of gentle enough to be used every an exfoliating face wash in terms of fragrance this one has a very homemade done.

 Kind of smell so very rightly as the name suggests and the fragrance is actually very similar to that of raw turmeric you think of both these face washes is actually very similar both of them come in these white tubes which are about 100ml. They have this plastic lid and it's great because it doesn't leak if the cap is tight enough. So they are even good for traveling and all the ingredients the directions and the results from the face washes are given on the packaging itself.


 The price of each of these face washes is rupees 499-349. I have been using both these face washes for about a week ten days now and I tend to use the tea tree face wash on a daily basis for my skin cleansing and I usually take off my makeup and go and use this face wash and it ends up leaving my skin is so fresh.


You know that painful feeling that you get after you've used a really really nice face wash that is what I get when I use this and I use the open face wash but I want to give my skin a little bit of pampering so undies would have been out in the Sun or have had makeup on my face the entire day I take it all off. Then I give myself a mini massage with the sub tan face wall and it ensures that it's taking care of all of that makeup that's been on my skin and also the harsh sunlight and my skin after using the upturned face wash is just so glowy.

 It's not funny it's like I've used a full-on scrub and a full-on mask and it kind of gives that effect these face washes are great for anybody with sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin and I've been using them and it's not really caused any breakouts or any rashes, in fact, it's helped to tone those down and give my skin a nice a fresh glowy load so that is really it for me in this post I hope you guys found this POST helpful.


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